A Moment in Time – 9:16 a.m. on 12/21/13

I still have my post to write from the last moment in time, but this it’s very interesting to get involved in this project and observe what happens in particular moments. Please consider joining the fun.

A String of Pearls

The next A Moment in Time is on Saturday, December 21 at 9:16 a.m.

A Moment in TimeHere is how A Moment in Time works.

1. I will provide a time–an exact moment on a specific day–for bloggers to be aware of, to think about what they are/were doing right then and whether it’s significant enough, in some way, to be written about and added to the list. Each new day and moment will be provided via a regular blog post as well as at the bottom of the A Moment in Timepage.

2. Sometime after that moment passes, write your post. Title it with this format:  9:16 a .m. on 12/21/13

3. Let your readers know how to find the A Moment in Time prompt by providing a link to this post so that they can learn more about it and participate themselves. If it’s easier, just copy and paste the blurb below.

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